12 comments on “Ooops! Nadia Sawalha’s kibbe..not a success…

  1. Don't you just hate it when a recipe doesn't turn out right? We all have experience these moments, what bothers me is the waste of ingredients and time! Mariax


  2. Sorry they went wrong. I do hope that you find another recipe for this dish because it sounds like it has great potential to be a lovely, rich dish.


  3. this is so funny and tragic at the same time… I did a food writing course with ottolenghi on Friday and one of the examples of bad food witing which he highlighted was a recipe for Kibbe. It was by Anissa Helon and it was really long and overblown and too descriptive… but maybe this is what you need for good Kibbe?


  4. We have all had some recipes that didn't work out the best. I think it's wonderful that you went to the trouble of blogging about it. I always blog about my success in the kitchen and never the disasters but after reading your post I feel that it's actually quite refreshing to read different kitchen experiences!I hope you find the recipe you are searching for! Nessa.


  5. it's so annoying when things like this happen but love to hear other bloggers disaster stories, we all have them, makes me feel at one with my blogging friends. it stops us all from being too complacent in our kitchen and makes for a good blog.


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